446 research outputs found

    Clearance rates of Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida: Polychaeta) on a pure culture of Vibrio alginolyticus

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    The influence exerted by filter-feeding activity on bacterial density by two sabellid species from the Mediterranean Sea (Ionian Sea, Italy), Branchiomma luctuosum Grube and Sabella spallanzanii Gmelin (Annelida: Polychaeta) was investigated. Clearance rates and retention efficiencies were estimated utilizing the species Vibrio alginolyticus selected on account of previous field studies and its importance in fish culture pathogenicity. The Cmax was 43.2±2.63 L h-1 g-1 DW for B. luctuosum and 12.4±2.22 L h-1 g-1 DW for S. spallanzanii. The Retention efficiency was 98% corresponding to a removed bacterial biomass of 44.8+7.88 ΌgC L-1 g-1 DW for B. luctuosum and 70% corresponding to a bacterial biomass of 23.8+2.95 ΌgC L-1 g -1 DW for S. spallanzanii. Maximum retention was recorded after 20 min for the first species and after 30 min for the second one. Present laboratory experiments represent a contribution to the knowledge of the filtration activity of the two polychaetes, characterizing the filtration process on bacterioplankton. Both species resulted extremely efficient in removing V. alginolyticus from seawater in experimental tanks, thus confirming the previous data from the field studies and suggesting their employment as biofilters of microbially contaminated waters in intensive aquaculture. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Shift in Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) spawning period in the Central Mediterranean Sea: a consequence of climate change?

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    Sabella spallanzanii is a large tubicolous filter feeder polychaete common in the Mediterranean fouling assemblages where it plays an important role in structuring the community. Its reproductive biology is well known and had been investigated since 1993. During the past few years a shift in its reproductive period has been observed. In 2008 the presence of ripe eggs in the females was observed at least two months in advance compared to the past. This was confirmed during the 2009 when spawning and fertilization were observed three months in advance compared to the past. Possible causes of this shift may be related to the increasing surface temperature in the Central Mediterranean Sea

    Filtration of the Microalga Amphidinium carterae by the Polychaetes Sabella spallanzanii and Branchiomma luctuosum: A New Tool for the Control of Harmful Algal Blooms?

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are extreme biological events representing a major issue in marine, brackish, and freshwater systems worldwide. Their proliferation is certainly a problem from both ecological and socioeconomic contexts, as harmful algae can affect human health and activities, the marine ecosystem functioning, and the economy of coastal areas. Once HABs establish, valuable and environmentally friendly control actions are needed to reduce their negative impacts. In this study, the influence exerted by the filter‐feeding activity of the two sabellid polychaetes Branchiomma luctuosum (Grube) and Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin) on a harmful dinoflagellate was investigated. Clearance rates (C) and retention efficiencies were estimated by employing the microalga Amphidinium carterae Hulburt. The Cmax was 1.15 ± 0.204 L h−1 g−1 DW for B. luctuosum and 0.936 ± 0.151 L h−1 g−1 DW for S. spallanzanii. The retention efficiency was 72% for B. luctuosum and 68% for S. spallanzanii. Maximum retention was recorded after 30 min for both species. The obtained results contribute to the knowledge of the two polychaetes’ filtration activity and to characterize the filtration process on harmful microalgae in light of the protection of water resources and human health. Both species, indeed, were extremely efficient in removing A. carterae from seawater, thus suggesting their employment as a new tool in mitigation technologies for the control of harmful algae in marine environments, as well as in the aquaculture facilities where HABs are one of the most critical threats

    Haemophilia care in Europe:a survey of 19 countries

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    In 2009, a questionnaire was circulated to 19 national haemophilia patient organizations in Europe affiliated to the European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) and the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) to seek information about the organization of haemophilia care and treatment available at a national level. The responses received highlighted differences in the level of care despite the recent promulgation of consensus guidelines designed to standardize the care of haemophilia throughout the continent of Europe. There was a wide range in factor VIII consumption with usage ranging from 0.38 IU per capita in Romania to 8.7 IU per capita in Sweden (median: 3.6 IU per capita). Despite the specific inclusion of coagulation factor concentrate in the WHO list of essential medications, cryoprecipitate is still used in some eastern European countrie

    Consumer acceptance of Italian or New Zealander lamb meat: an Italian case study

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    A Central location test was performed to compare heavy Apennine lamb meat to New Zealander lamb meat in order to create a Protected Geographical Indication for lamb meat. Roasted New-Zealander and heavy Apennine lamb legs were tested by 106 consumers according to the following experimental plan: blind phase (B) without any possibility to recognize the meat type tasted, expected phase (E) in which were described the characteristics of the two types of meat without tasting, informed phase (I) in which the tasted meat was recognized in provenience. Results showed in a nine point scale of appreciation for flavour, juiciness and overall pleasure, the highest values in Apennine lamb meat. B test showed the highest value for overall pleasure (P<0.01). Interaction, Italian lamb x Informed test showed the highest values for all the parameters except for overall liking for which Italian lamb x E test showed the highest values. About foreign lamb meat B test showed higher values than I and E test. Information about lamb meat origin showed disconfirmation for tenderness in Italian lamb meat. Foreign lamb meat showed a positive disconfirmation for flavour and overall pleasure, that confirm the better perception by consumers in blind consumption than in the informed one

    Quantification of cortical proprioceptive processing through a wireless and miniaturized EEG amplifier

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    Corticokinematic coherence (CKC) is computed between limb kinematics and cortical activity (e.g. MEG, EEG), and it can be used to detect, quantify and localize the cortical processing of proprioceptive afference arising from the body. EEG-based studies on CKC have been limited to lab environments due to bulky, non-portable instrumentations. We recently proposed a wireless and miniaturized EEG acquisition system aimed at enabling EEG studies outside the laboratory. The purpose of this work is to compare the EEG-based CKC values obtained with this device with a conventional wired-EEG acquisition system to validate its use in the quantification of cortical proprioceptive processing. Eleven healthy right-handed participants were recruited (six males, four females, age range: 24-40 yr). A pneumatic-movement actuator was used to evoke right index-finger flexion-extension movement at 3 Hz for 4 min. The task was repeated both with the wireless-EEG and wired-EEG devices using the same 30-channel EEG cap preparation. CKC was computed between the EEG and finger acceleration. CKC peaked at the movement frequency and its harmonics, being statistically significant (p < 0.05) in 8-10 out of 11 participants. No statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in CKC strength between wireless-EEG (range 0.03-0.22) and wired-EEG (0.02-0.33) systems, that showed a good agreement between the recording systems (3 Hz: r = 0.57, p = 0.071, 6 Hz: r = 0.82, p = 0.003). As expected, CKC peaked in sensors above the left primary sensorimotor cortex contralateral to the moved right index finger. As the wired-EEG device, the tested wireless-EEG system has proven feasible to quantify CKC, and thus can be used as a tool to study proprioception in the human neocortex. Thanks to its portability, the wireless-EEG used in this study has the potential to enable the examination of cortical proprioception in more naturalistic conditions outside the laboratory environment. Clinical Relevance - Our study will contribute to provide innovative technological foundations for future unobtrusive EEG recordings in naturalistic conditions to examine human sensorimotor system
